Graham O’Callaghan
The vocabulary used in the below plaudits is rarely used in the English tradition to describe a male singer, especially an unaccompanied singer. An Irish DNA, an early background in classical song and decades of ‘serving time’, listening and absorbing songs and music from across the folk tradition, has given rise to his distinctive style.
“Every word, every note and every rest can enhance or destroy the narrative in the song. Not just with the ‘accepted ballads’, but of all songs. What I try to do is to reinject the poetry of the words back into the song and help people to appreciate why these songs were first written. They weren’t written to be part of someone’s repertoire, much like a philatelist collecting stamps, nor to provide 5 minutes of entertainment in a song session. They were written to be listened to and I try to walk the line between the story and the song”.
Graham’s new album ‘Reflections’ is now available and is a timeline of over 50 years of involvement in folk song.
“The male equivalent to June Tabor” : Green Man Review USA
“He succeeds in moving people with his singing – a formidable power” : Ray Fisher
“A wonderful journey of song by one of the best voices in the tradition” : Baccapipes Folk Club, Keighley.
“Graham has style, commitment, knowledge of the music and an obvious love and enjoyment of singing” : Roy Harris – The Living Tradition