Ilse Pedler

Poetry at Sidmouth Folk Festival

Poet Ilse Pedler returns again this year to run poetry workshops. Held in the elegant and relaxed atmosphere of the Drawing room of the Royal Glen Hotel from 11.30- 1pm Sunday to Thursday, participants will be encouraged to write their own poems using a series of prompts and guidance from Ilse, an experienced workshop leader. Sometimes poems are used as a starting point, sometimes pictures and sometimes more unusual poetry games, if you’ve never experienced ‘Poetry Countdown’ or ‘Poetry what’s in the Bag?’ come along and find out!

The workshops are conducted in a supportive and encouraging way and no previous experience in writing poetry is required but they will also cater for more experienced poets or writers. The workshops are all standalone but Ilse hopes you’ll come to as many as possible as at the end of the week there is a chance to collaborate on a piece of work and join in performing it in Friday’s Showcase concert.

Poetry Open Mic 5-6.30pm Thursday 8th August at the Royal Glen Hotel –

 Sign up on the door to read your own work or bring a favourite poem or two to share. Time slots are 5 minutes.  Experienced writers or newcomers welcome or if you just fancy relaxing and listening to some poetry for a couple of hours come and join us. Hosted by poet Ilse Pedler.

Poetry for all. A series of standalone poetry workshops for all abilities. Using poems and other prompts participants will be encouraged to produce their own work in a supportive and encouraging environment. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity in the bustle of folk week! There will be an opportunity to collaborate on a short piece in Friday’s Showcase Concert.

Sunday – Poetry for all. The firsts of a series of standalone poetry workshops for all abilities. Explore what makes a poem and start writing your own. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity. There will be an opportunity to collaborate on a piece for Friday’s Showcase Concert.

Monday – Poetry for all – a poetry workshop for all abilities. Poems of hope. In a world of conflict and uncertainty, poetry can unite and strengthen. Explore uplifting poems for our times and try your hand at writing your own. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity.

Tuesday – Poetry for All – a poetry workshop for all abilities, Today is the ballad session. Learn the features of ballad writing and then create your own. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity.

Wednesday – Poetry for all – Poems of celebration. In this 70th year of Sidmouth Folk Festival learn how to write your own poems of joy and celebration. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity. There will be an opportunity to collaborate on a piece for Friday’s Showcase Concert.

Thursday – Poetry for all – a poetry workshop for all abilities. Poetry Games – poetry is fun! Using games and other prompts write your own poems. No previous experience necessary, just bring pen, paper and enthusiasm. Come and enjoy ninety minutes of peace and creativity.

There will be an opportunity to collaborate on a piece for Friday’s Showcase Concert.