
legacy scheme

what will your legacy be?

Generations of families have made Sidmouth their home during the first week in August, ever since the first festival in 1955. Friendships are created and re-kindled. New music is born and old music cherished. Today’s folk legends camp alongside us, and our ancestors sing to us through the songs they once wrote. Sidmouth is not just a place. Sidmouth is a feeling. If only we could bottle it. Preserve it for future generations. With your help, we can.

By leaving a legacy to Sidmouth FolkWeek Ltd, you can protect the future of this very special festival. By remembering the festival in your Will, you will help to preserve it for those who follow in your festive footsteps. We know times are tough and money is tight for many. We know that giving today might not be possible. But when you get home, please give some thought to including Sidmouth in the list of loved ones you support when you are gone. Future generations will love you for it.

To talk to someone in confidence about how to leave a legacy, contact legacies@sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk