Tom Oakes – The Hearth

“A fragment of a melody appears in your mind and only begins to reveal itself when tied to a person, a place, a smell and you’re back there in all its gloriousness. Details are gone but the important things still remain. A funny story if you’re lucky. An embarrassing incident if you’re less so. A smile, a taste, an accent”

The Hearth is Devon/Edinburgh, Multi Instrumentalist Tom Oakes’ first solo show. Receiving rave reviews from it’s mammoth Edinburgh Fringe run and headline Celtic Connections show, The Hearth is a unique and multi-layered blend of New and Traditional Music, Storytelling, Poetry, Archive Material and Sound Design taking us from the 19th Century Leeds Irish community to a sweaty Sidmouth dance floor with much in between.

Featuring original poetry by award winning Icelandic writer/director Kolbrun Bjort Sigfusdottir and voiced by the inimitable Dolina MacLennan.

Shortlisted: ‘Original Work of the Year’ – MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2023

Friday 9th August
Manor Pavilion